2、后来想了个办法,在设置里把启动改成服务,然后手写了一段注册表信息来启动服务,看起来也可以了,以为妥了。但连到PLC后 发现并没有得到报警信息,没搞懂为什么
Tech Note
InTouch: 10.1
All Tech Notes, Tech Alerts and KBCD documents and software are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. See the Terms of Use for more information.
Topic#: 00xxxx
Created: April 2011
Running AlarmDBLogger as Windows Service on Windows2008 and Windows7 (32 & 64-Bit)
Currently, InTouch’s Alarm DB Logger is not able to run as a Windows service on Windows 2008, Windows 7. This limit puts many restrictions on the design of a SCADA system using Alarm DB Logger, in some cases, making alarm logging completely impossible. For example, when there is no platform deployed, nor is there an InTouch application (WindowViewer) running, starting Alarm DB Logger on Windows 2008 and Windows 7 becomes impossible without user login.
InTouch 10.1 and later
Windows 2008, Windows 7 and other Windows operating systems
Install aaAlarmDbLogger Service
1. Download “AlarmLoggerServiceSetup.zip” file from here. (No link yet) (这个HERE真的坑,还备注一个目前没有链接)
2. Unzip the files, and run AlarmLoggerService Setup.
3. In the setup wizard, choose the default settings for all screens and press next until the setup completes.
4. If InTouch is installed at default directory, that is, “C:\Program Files (x86)\Wonderware\InTouch”, you are ready to start the service. If not, please go to Windows registry by Registry Editor and create a key as below and assign the FilePath (String) the actual path of your wwAlmLogger.exe file.
"FilePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Wonderware\\InTouch\\wwalmlogger.exe"
Start/Stop aaAlarmDbLogger Service
To Star AlarmDBLogger Service
1- Go to the Start menu >> All Programs >>Wonderware>>InTouch>> Alarm Logger Service>> Start Service.
2- The command prompt should appear.
3- Make sure the “service was started successfully” message appears.
4- Press any key to finish the command.
To Stop AlarmDBLogger Service
1- Go to Start menu >> All Programs >>Wonderware>>InTouch>> Alarm Logger Service>> Stop Service.
2- The command prompt should appear.
3- Make sure the “service was stopped successfully” message appears.
4- Press any key to finish the command.
现在通过控制这个服务就可以实现以WINDOWS服务来启动alarm db logger了
{ --- CONFIGURAZIONE ALARM LOGGER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
DBRunAs = "Normal";
pdAlarmDBLoggerInit (DBSQLName,DBAlarmName, DBMasterUser, DBMasterPassword, DBLoggingMode, DBRunAs , 0, 1000 );